The risk is the likelihood that something will happen. There are certain factors that may increase the risk, and these factors are called risk factors. When talking about cancer risk, we know that one of the risk factors is obesity. Obesity can be a factor because it can lead to cancers such as esophagus cancer, kidney cancer, and many more.
Heart disease describes any diseases that are related to the heart. A couple of these diseases include, cardiovascular disease, which is the blockage of the blood vessels. Then theres arrhythmias, which is a heart rhythm issue. Sometimes obesity may not be that cause of heart diseases such as defects, but it may cause obesity.
Hypertension is when high blood pressure causes the blood to force against the artery walls, which could lead to diseases such as heart disease. High blood pressure can be cause by obesity and will increase if not treated. To know how to find out if you have high blood pressure, go to the page on Health Screening.
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